June 22, 2020
There is currently a County-wide burn ban effective until further notice.
This ban applies to all unincorporated areas of Sandoval County.
It is hereby provided that safe and sane fireworks shall be permitted within the county. This shall mean and include all fireworks that have no report, that are not self-propelling and the effects of which do not extend above ten feet in height from the ground.
Read the Warning Label. If it reads “WARNING,” it is illegal. If it reads “CAUTION,” it is legal.
Fireworks can only be used on paved or dirt areas free of vegetation and other flammable materials. A water source must be preset at all times.
The Sandoval County Fire Marshal, or designee, shall be contacted for any burns that are outside of the above provisions. To contact the Fire Marshal or designee, please send an email to the appropriate Fire Department member below:
Ryan Louchard
Battalion Chief
Wildland Division & Logistics
Sandoval County Fire & Rescue